Digital documents and Fax messages management

The Consumer Division is a Business Unit in the BPER Group that operates in the consumer credit and payment systems market (credit and debit cards, point of sales, e-commerce) with innovative and multi-channel products for the entire distribution network of Gruppo BPER.

Their mission is providing quality services to banks, clients and Group partners in the personal credit market.

Today, the Consumer Division ranges from emitting credit cards, debit cards and prepaid cards, to assisted loans (personal loans with the "cessione del quinto" of a person's salary), to providing money transfer services with Western Union Money Transfer®.


The Consumer Division needed to:

  • Receive and send fax communications regarding loans requests and confirmations

OCS, provider of management systems, routed the Consumer Division towards the GDD Technology: GDD solution for AS400, with the Open Channel controò unit (30 fax lines), is integrated to the OCS management system:

  • Users can send and receive digital faxes from their desk
  • Savings of paper and times in managing loan requests.
  • Extensive sending of info SMS's to clients.